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Matis Masters

The training of our beautiful brand has had the privilege of being led by the passionate, & extensively experienced, Lisa Charlton. This remarkable trainer has been training Matis all over SA for well over a decade, & even today she trains our precious brand with such love and excitement. Thank you Lisa!

This year for the first time Matis did it’s first “Masters” class; that’s right, an invite only training for top Matis therapists; needless to say, the Fourways bunch was there with bells & whistles to make sure we remain at the forefront of exclusive, results driven, in-salon treatments… and boy oh boy has Paris blown our minds this time!

Ever wish you could have all the key benefits of 2 facials in the same time as 1 & at less the price? DONE! This month we launch our treatment duos – 2 facials with ingredients that greatly compliment each other.

November also sees the return of the Christmas gift sets, & we all LOVE getting that FREE product, don’t we.

P.S. Hey bestie, I know you’re tired, it’s that time of year… don’t sweat it, you’re crushing it! 💪🏽

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What soothes you?

Hi, I’m Laurien and I’m a procrastinator. 🤦🏽‍♀️I have a growing talent for leaving things to the very last minute, and the May blog has been a prime example.

Putting my head in the sand when I don’t feel like facing a task is fast becoming a hobby, when I should in fact, be getting more task orientated!

May really isn’t a favourite month to write my thoughts to be honest. May = Mothers’ day, &  is a tricky one for me – the past few years have been interesting to navigate. A word for the younger generation, don’t be so keen to declare that you don’t want kids; one day you wake up 35 & fall in love with some lil people & discover you had all the maternal bones all along 🫢

April is our birthday month (the shop & I ) & just as I’m getting settled into the new age, May peeps her motherly head around the corner to remind me of my womb that no-one has called home yet. – RUDE-

I was relaxing, walking, eating, dancing & drinking on a wine farm in Cpt for a few days, & I didn’t feel the urge to rush back from the beach to write this blog – It’s the honesty for me!

The past few days I’ve sat with some thoughts; are we experiencing more of the same in different ways? I took another bash at a dating site recently, I’ve always known my S.O wouldn’t be found there, but I was admittedly without entertainment… until I saw my (not single) cousin’s profile & proceeded to delete it, yet again! As I stared at the familiar pictures, I couldn’t help but wonder… am I existing in a time not meant for me?
Fam! Carrie Bradshaw lifts my spirits- even in the 90s, things were much the same with the exception of fake profiles & way too much social media, what is it about relatability that settles the spirit?


When all the frozen yoghurt & SATC reruns fail to hit the spot, my next best is my Good mood in jars, conveniently found in my bathroom cabinet.

The slight sagging of cheeks (& heart) are made well with the floating fingers over my face, the aroma that behaves like I’d imagine the balm of Gilead did. The meticulously crafted texture has a way of softening my mind. Bliss!

Look, it won’t change things around me, but it somehow changes me, slightly shifting my view, my mood; it sings me a lullaby with the promise of of a better tomorrow.