Let’s not mention that it’s the 10th & I have just started typing, with no clue where this is going… The past month has seriously challenged me, stretched me, bruised me up physically & emotionally, but hey… here we are! Some people say I share too much, but I like the transparency of my clients walking this journey with me – you can tell me what you think?
In June I had no idea where my business would be moving to, no clue which way to turn, & completely overwhelmed by the amount of dedication & STAMINA it would take to get through building an entire new shop with absolutely no cash flow to fund any movement whatsoever. I sit here with the cool café melody playing from my new mani/pedi lounge & give all thanks to my God!
I had an incredibly small launch with the people who have seen my tears, held me tight when I was falling apart, who have talked my motivation back & told me “You can do it & it will be amazing” on days when I was ready to quit. Here’s what I’ve learned through this time… God moves when He knows you’re ready, not when you feel you are. If I had to dive into how God has made a way for me over & over during this time, I’m never getting to the newsletter 😂 I have been so out of this world, supernaturally, incredibly blessed & my heart is overflowing with gratitude.
Yes, I’m still having a wee bit of a disagreement with a carpenter, some electrical work still needs to be done & the plumber is currently trying to figure out why my washing machine is flooding the kitchen… BUT, we did it. I have congratulations from every client who has walked through the door, I have the most fantastic landlord & I have been blessed with the greatest love & support.
To every person who followed our competition on social media, who tagged, shared etc – I value you! To every client who bought vouchers & gave me & our business mind-blowing financial support, I thank you all so much, none of this would have been possible without you. To my AMAZING client who gave me a discount on all carpentry, lighting etc- thank you is just not enough!
To my circle, my behind the scenes, my champagne sponsor, my “God is going to come through for you” – you know who you are & I wouldn’t trade you for anything! My staff who let me be crazy & lovingly tell me to take a day off. I love you all so much!
To my mom-the real owner of this establishment- who waited to hear how much I would need, was ready to help with just 1 call or text. I did my absolute best to not loan, not go to the bank & I have truly been overwhelmed; but when that promo went out to buy vouchers, she used it as her way of pouring into my business & allowing me to maintain the “I did it on my own” – well, until this morning at least. 🤦🏽♀️Thank you for always believing in me, for trusting my business decisions & for standing behind the scenes always ready when I call.
I’m signing off now, not because I don’t have more to say & more of my story to tell but because I need to do the newsletter before Nozi asks why I’m not working 🙄
With all my love & gratitude,
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