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This chapter is called…?

It’s time to put manicured nail to qwerty again. My mental demanded a break, and yet being back feels better than ever. Once again I’m reminded of the therapy this part of my job is, how grateful I am to be able to do so many of the things I really love. More than ever I realise how fortunate I am to do what I have loved for over 20 years, & how blessed I am to have clients who actually want to hear me wag my chin about the symphony of texture, aroma & results that is Matis.

I went for my laser hair removal this week @  (I do LOVE barter…) & my gorgeous, oh so fabulous friend Hayley gave me possibly the biggest compliment I have ever received. She told me how happy she is for me,  looking at where my life is now🥰 ; not so long ago I felt like nothing was going right. Frustrated with stagnation, overwhelmed with the mountain that is my degree, stressed, exhausted, aching; completely missing the essence of me.

I can point to a week, maybe even a few moments when I felt a shift in my spirit, a time when my head & heart decided on the same dance, switching between lead and follow, and finally the darkness lifted & just like that… all the pieces (I didn’t even know were missing) fell together. So many contributing factors and so many hearts play a critical role in the story that is my life & to all you treasures, Thank You!

The past month or two we have seen more people concerned with ageing than I can remember! We’ve seen more clients change to anti-age serums, and more clients expand their homecare routines. Our data shows a definite upward trend in more anti-age skincare treatments & we’re here for it! With the sun finally out to play after it’s little tantrum last week, I feel it’s the best time to celebrate ageing gracefully, AND taking it up a notch with our skincare. I can honestly say that I am obsessed with how fantastic my skincare is at the minute, I’ve introduced the Densifiance serum & the Caviar cream; the level of bliss I am experiencing on a daily in front of my bathroom mirror is positively life changing. My dedication to treat my neck & hands more specifically is a true representation of “over 40” 🤦🏽‍♀️I would be THRILLED to talk more about this is you catch me at the salon 😉

I am so excited to focus this month’s promos on anti-ageing, weather you’re 30, 40 or 70, we all would love to age more gracefully so let’s start right now!

I know, we’re speeding toward that dreaded time of year where everyone is grumpy, there are more bad days, your tired is tired & even if you plan to do Christmas shopping early, you very well may find yourself short tempered and frustrated on the 24th of December. Some things don’t change. What I can confidently say is, that 5 minutes with your skin at the end of each day works just like a plaster on your 5 year old’s knee. 😉 It’s also what your skin needs.


If you do something with ease, you do it easily, without difficulty

to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful

What would this chapter of my life be called? “Ease”, not because it’s easy, but because I want to squeeze as much ease into each day I can. Because I will choose to only take on only what I can, to unapologetically take a step back when frustration and unnecessary difficulty are the grey clouds and heavy stones that make the way forward an uphill battle, and possibly most importantly, I want to show the people in my life that “with ease” is the only way to handle me. I promise to check-in with myself whenever necessary, to make sure I remain firmly seated in my unapologetic femininity. Being the adultiest adult in many areas of my life for longer than I’d liked, has cultivated a woman who craves ease like never before.

Here’s to an October full of anti-age habits; minds, hearts & spirits that are calm & full of ease. Who’s with me?


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You’re anything but ordinary.

My favourite shows are Sex & the City & Grey’s Anatomy. There are a few that come close but these are the two I always go back to; I’m not quite sure what brings me the most comfort.

I am, yet again, in the middle of Grey’s Anatomy. It’s S10 & so much has changed for all the characters, we’ve laughed & cried along the way, but the one thing that stays constant is the burning desire to be “the sun”, to be extraordinary… it’s played on my mind much more now & I think it’s because of the changes I’ve had in my own life.

We plan, we organise & try our best, knowing that things hardly go according to plan – in my case this is so painfully true. I grew a little more last year, I stretched, I sometimes broke; I hurt, healed, laughed & came to a place I didn’t quite recognise – I think this is what letting go really looks like. I took a look at my life, seeing how hard I tried in all areas to be everything everyone needed me to be & still felt like I fell just short of enough. Thinking back to that time, it could’ve been 5 years ago instead of 5 months- I’m not her anymore.

In my Instagram post a today I mention time. In The Word time is a biblical principle, in any belief system the principle of timing seems constant, – at the right time, time heals, give it time… but what if we aren’t aware when the time has come? I don’t think there’s a day you wake up & we’re just ready, I think we become ready on the road. I’ve made a few difficult decisions in January, however, these choices are necessary to support who I’m becoming, how I want to feel & how I want people to feel around me & at our little happy place 🥰

There’s nothing ordinary about you. You are indeed extraordinary. What/who do you need to let go of to see yourself as you really are? To look at yourself with eyes of kindness & the knowledge that whatever you put your mind to is achievable.

Extraordinary service is something that is so close to my heart, the way you’re welcomed, how your therapist explains things to you, a treatment full of intent & attention to detail. What are things that would make your experience extraordinary to you?

I’m so glad that I’ve had the privilege to build the kind of business culture that makes my staff want to be at work & makes my clients feel like part of the family. I believe it’s all because we are striving daily to be extraordinary.

Do it. Be extraordinary, the time is now.


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so here’s the plan…

It’s no secret that I don’t look my age, it’s something I’m rather proud of but can’t take all the credit for. My mother blessed me with some great genes- thanks mom!

Up until last year I had no signs of ageing, no crow’s feet when I smiled- nada. Then, one day I woke up & it was there… sadness & sagging 🥴 Being in the skincare industry has taught me that the way we see our own skin is often very different to what others see. Voicing my concern to my therapists only got me a neverminded “you seeing things” reply. These people are not taking my trauma seriously!

This is just a reminder that you never need someone to agree with you before doing something for yourself, something that will help to fix a concern you have. So here’s the plan; I have decided to do a course of needling & anti-age treatments over the next 2 months so if any of you walk into the shop & it looks like I was walking on the road on my face, just smile & say “you’re really committed to this journey aren’t you” I thank you in advance.🙏

I’ve always had the greatest passion for skincare, only difference is, in the past I was into all things acne because of my personal struggle with the villain, now I’m heavy on all things anti-ageing. A few years ago I had the privilege of going to visit the Matis Paris head office, (& also an international Ballroom competition at Disneyland Paris 💃) I was around 34 at the time.

Click on the image to purchase now

I was given the newly launched OleaScience serum as a gift but I was too young to use it at the time so my gorgeous mom used it before it was launched in SA. I was reminded of the benefits of this serum when I realized it’s just what my skin needs. This serum increases the synthesis of Klotho proteins in fibroblasts, therefore promoting the production of collagen. Yep, that stuff that is like the cement holding all the skin cells together. This luxury (& slightly addictive I’m told) serum has precious oils that protect & regenerate the skin, it’s rich in antioxidants & Omegas 3.6 & 9! It’s a firm, resounding “YES” from me. I cannot wait to start it! For best results you would use 2-4 drops morning & evening for 21-28 days.

👈Click on the image to view info on OleaScience on our online store 👈

In the hopes that you’ll join me if you find yourself in the same situation, I’ve decided to do a special offer when you purchase any 2 Densite products, we’ll treat you to the luxury DensiAge facial absolutely FREE! – let’s do it together – check out the newsletter or contact us for more info 074 064 2072 /

Let’s walk confidently into this new season upon us & tackle the things we want to change, for me that includes my new & improved anti-ageing routine – who’s with me?

ageing gracefully a gentle reminder Anti-ageing bayhill fourways golf park Beauty Expert believe in you boundaries CLC Collagen competition DensiAge Densite emotional attachments fearless French skincare Fundamental Beautifying Cream Gel manicure Gel polish happy healthy relationships kelly McDaniel Klotho protein love loving me Matis Matis Fourways Matis Paris mental health Mother's Day mother hunger Mozambique Nails oil serum Omega3 Omega6 Omega9 Online Shopping Paris relocation sagging skincare Skincare Brand springtime staying young Waxing