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Holding onto Hope.

Yep, it looks like I’m delaying another skincare lesson to put my thoughts (that have little to nothing to do with my business might I add) on this blog for anyone, someone or perhaps not a soul to read.

I’ve found over the last few years that my thoughts become so much clearer as they fall in line on a screen, there’s something so calming about it, about being “naked” with my thoughts. I have realised writing this blog has become my favourite part of my job.

Here’s a question- or 3. Is anyone else finding no joy in wishing people “Happy New Year”? Are we going to do this for the rest of our lives? Surely we can reserve this wonderful wish for the actual day & resume normal broadcasting? We all want happiness, things to finally work in our favour, our prayers to be answered; it’s just that small, slightly doubtful voice that whispers- “hold back”…  With every truth I know about this life, that doubtful voice doesn’t wander too far.

So in the face of the fact that people change, things don’t always work out, sometimes you will be misunderstood, & pain comes with the process, where is the hope? I’m reading a book on how our lives are fundamentally affected by our upbringing, & how what happened clearly defines how we view everything.

So, when you’re over 40, have had many things that you could’ve/ hoped would turned out differently, & yet, the amount of personal, introspective & HARD work done, sets you further away from shallow lifestyles, harsh words, & people who can’t face what life has really done to them. I can’t help but wonder, what beauty is around the corner for you?

Diving deep isn’t easy, loosing people you love isn’t easy, shouldn’t the question we ask here be, “What is on the other side of this? What’s required to birth of the best version of you?” Nothing worth having comes easy; to wallow & sit in self pity would be expected, but maybe, just maybe, the opposite of what most of us believe is in fact true. Perhaps someone who has taken a mirror to their ugly, & decided to lovingly heal the parts nobody sat down long enough to understand is how you become more loveable. Perhaps when the wounds, traumas & fear aren’t brushed aside, & instead asked to sit a while & talk, is how you become more understanding, patient & empathetic. Perhaps the people who didn’t see YOU, who chose different, who left you hurt were never part of the plan because all that love, understanding, patience & empathy would have been too big for them to even comprehend. Perhaps?

New Years aren’t always happy & celebratory, they are however a bigger, more significant time we get to consciously put things down, let things go & start again. Whatever starting again includes for you, I pray you hold onto hope.

As we start another year, let’s have faith. When the hard days come, & they will, let’s try to remind ourselves that our best days are ahead of us, that we haven’t even met some of the people who will have the biggest impact on our lives & love us the most! Let’s remember that love casts out all fear. Even when we can’t see it, when we don’t know what’s ahead, when our best planning still doesn’t bring clarity, let’s hold onto hope.



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What will Spring bring this year?

Everytime the end of the month comes i’m surprised! Surely i should be expecting it after all these years of “end of month” schedules, the reminders on my calendar & my pretty weekly planner on my office wall don’t seem to cushion the blow much, it’s a shocker everytime! Before I know it it’s time for newsletter, blog, payments & my monthly double dose of stress & anxiety 😖

It’s been a rough few weeks & I really feel that time is just so ruthless, ticking away when you desperately need it to give you a break. Yesterday i looked at the date & for once instead of stressing myself out even more to finish the newsletter or panic, I went home! Those of you who know me know that I can be a little too hard on myself.

When i was sitting on my patio wondering what to write about this month I gazed at a tree in my garden, a memory of when I moved in came to mind & a few memories that once again reinforced the fact that no matter how you feel, or what’s happening around you, time marches on & seasons change. How we choose to look at this fact will change how we move forward & let’s be honest, what better time is there to change direction & outlook on life than Springtime? 🌻

Last night I watched an episode of “The Good Doctor” & there was a woman who couldn’t feel physical or emotional pain, if that were an option, would you choose to feel no pain? My answer … absolutely not! If we can’t feel the pain & frustration, that means we wouldn’t feel joy, peace, happiness or love either! So don’t you think it’s all worth it?

Being the person in charge is stressful (to say the least) & over the past few years this business has brought me to tears, made me question my sanity (at least once a week at best), made me feel insecure & sometimes like a fraud, but also has given me great confidence, pushed me out of my comfort zone, often, & stretched me in ways I couldn’t even explain. Over the past few weeks it’s also taught me that no matter what I’m going through it needs me, when challenges arise it reminds me that I have the God given capacity to fix it.

11 See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. 12 Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. 13 The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” Song of Songs 2:11-13

I’m sitting on the edge of something great, at the end of a season in my life & looking up in anticipation for what God has in store for me, before I jump in I’ve decided I need to make some vows to myself:

  1. Be kind
  2. Be patient
  3. Only do what you are able to do today

What are you expecting from the new season in your life & how are you choosing to look at it? What do you think you need to work on to be happier? How do you show yourself that you’re valuable, irreplaceable, the apple of God’s eye? I suggest we all start with us & start today.

I am in a spa all the time but neglect my toes, often say i need microneedling but just keep working & say I need to get back to pilates but before I know it I realise the last time i had a pedicure was April for my bestie’s wedding & the last time I was in pilates was possibly nearly a year ago! How about we take a sec to take stock of the things that are compiling who we are, who are the people that make you feel powerful? What are the things that give you peace & joy?What do you need more of?

I’m starting by walking to reception to book myself a pedi to match my gorgeous red nails!

Hope to see you at the spa soon (I’ve put my personal favs on special this month!)

Laurien ❤

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