At the beginning of each year Pastor Nic declares a word over the church, over the church family & for each soul represented. I’m not sure if his line to Jesus is a little clearer than most of ours… because we surely see the fruit of his lips unfolding around us. I’m so grateful to be where I am today; tested and momentarily gave up, but He remains faithful! I honestly don’t know how people who don’t have a relationship with Christ cope with life, people are harsh, hurtful and sometimes just evil; how else do we remain unchanged by the world? It’s no wonder there is so much reference of us being IN the world but not OF the world.
This year took me to possibly the darkest place I’ve ever been. I wrestled with depression and became overwhelmed with guilt for not having joy. An internal battle that far removed me from the voice of my creator, but never able to remove His love from me… ❤️
Finding my way through couldn’t have been more beautiful, no Hollywood scriptwriter or 19th century poet could have brought it to life; my path was determined and there was no other way. In this year of open doors I felt suffocated, in this year of open doors I felt like I had been reaching, stretching and clawing forward, only to find myself further behind. Feeling like this year of open doors was for everyone besides me, until everything changed so fast, I was terrified to believe it was reality. I have a friend (cherished sister) who thanked me for sticking with her this year & I realised that it’s the bad, the ugly, the painful, the “tornadoes” that show us who we really are, & who the people around us are. Maybe they are more beneficial than we’d like to admit? Have you ever looked back & saw a profound lesson after the biggest storms?
Today I’m sitting in my little office, every now & then glaring out of the window, sipping on my GL♥️♥️T , thinking about the old school RnB I’m going to hear at the spot that does the best parmesan chips… grateful for my guy who makes my heart a little softer every time I think of him, my phenomenal besties, and SOOO many other things. I have the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Just when you’re about to give up, at the end of the road, when we think that we’ll never make it; things can still turn around. Never in a gazillion years did I think I’d say this… but… I’m living proof! Not quite sure if it’s the meds or the amazing dance class I did this morning, (my hips weren’t lying 🤣), but I think I’ve become that annoying overly grateful person that I usually roll my eyes at; and I’m not hating it…
We’re entering the last month of the year, again! Everyone loosing their patience, overly exhausted, stressed out about Christmas lunch & shopping, yes, we can’t escape it. I just hope in the midst of it all, you can also stop and think about what you’re grateful for. If your season of “stuck” isn’t quite over yet, Pastor Nic told me to tell you – the year isn’t over yet
I hope to see you in the salon soon so that my INCREDIBLE staff can help get you holiday ready. We’re getting crazy busy so please book ASAP! our last day of work for 2024 is the 24th of December, we will be back on the 7th of Jan to welcome you into 2025 with a smile.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a blessed, fruitful & joyful New Year 🎉