A little over 8 years ago a woman with very limited knowledge on lease agreements, took over a little salon in Fourways Mall. Looking back at all the changes that have taken place since that day in 2015, I honestly am in shock that she hasn’t thrown in the towel yet!
I’m sure if that woman knew what was laying ahead of her, the chances of taking the plunge would’ve been slim to none; but isn’t that the way life works? If we knew what road we’d need to travel to get the things we want, what God would have to take us through to reach to our blessing – how many of us would still do it?
We at Matis Fourways have officially found new premises and we’re so excited for you to join in & follow the journey with us on our Instagram page (click👈🏽) If you don’t already follow us, please do! We’d love for you to enter our competition & stand a chance to win treatments & products worth over R3500! (may definitely be more…) 😉It’s been over 3 years here at Kingfisher Office Park & the time has come for us to move on & we have no doubt all of you will love our new spot!
The plans are in place & things are moving along, are you excited to see our new store? For the past 2 months the overwhelming influx of worries about things I’m forgetting, the constant whirlwind of ideas, thoughts, measurements, the many to-do lists, & the unavoidable stress, got me looking tired & a little haggard to say the least. This month’s promos will be aimed at all of us who have too many thoughts, never ending to-do lists & not nearly enough down time. I hope you enjoy them!
Our last day of trading at Kingfisher Office park will be Saturday the 29th of July & we will open in our new premises on Saturday the 5th of August. We will be closed from 30th July -5th Aug.

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