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What’s your main concern?

Well well well… here we are again; the last month of the year, my last blog of the year.

With the significance of the month at the forefront, I have decided to slightly put my skincare teaching hat down & just spew some thoughts onto this screen.

Now that we’re all in the obvious (for most of us), “can’t wait for the end of the year” mode, dare I ask if you’ve had time to reflect on your 2023? I had a conversation with a friend last night & as I heard the words effortlessly streaming from my mind into the atmosphere, I realised how much this year taught me. Admittedly, we all know lessons & learnings aren’t generally easy, they are not without hurt & pain, & sometimes they leave scars, however, when we finally really learn, there is a peace, a comfort, an almost shedding old skin  epiphany & isn’t that beautiful?

“What is your main concern” is a line skincare therapists use all the time, it’s significant because treating your skin is in our hands, but identifying what bothers you is the starting point. I can’t help but sit here & wonder, do we ask ourselves this question enough in our day to day lives?

This friend asked me if I was a little worried about my age in relation to settling down & getting married, he also asked if I would consider being married in less than a year. When faced with questions like these, would you ask yourself “What is my main concern”? I think I’ll leave that to marinate.

This year I finally learned to understand that the only opinion that matters is God’s. I have been Christian for many years but this year I learned that I have had a really bad habit of taking issues, cares, concerns out of God’s hands & attempting to fumble my way through them-all the while wondering why things have to be so heavy, so hard, & why some things are so confusing. I vow stop trying to steer my ship & accept more rest. This life can be so tumultuous, how can we be in charge all the time? I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted!

There will always be things to complain about, there’s always somewhere we feel we’re falling short & always some unnecessary thing to deter us. I’m guilty of trying too hard in my own strength to fix everything, overthinking, & wearing myself out, but instead of doing what I’ve always done, it’s time to shift gears. Those of you who know me, know that I’m not one for new year’s resolutions, I like to think of something about myself I could work on, this will be my most challenging one at my big age 😂 I hope when you see me next you’ll remind me & remind yourself to put it down & stop wrestling.

From my amazing staff & I, we wish you a wonderful festive season, a very merry Christmas, a safe new year & most of all, a peace & joy that stays with you always ❤️

As always, it has been our pleasure to spoil you, listen to you, laugh with you & teach you about your skin this year.

We are closing on Saturday the 23rd of December & will be ready to welcome you back on the 3rd of January.

All my love, Laurien


P.S Thank you to Pst James for the eye opening message “God has called us to rest & not to wrestle” You & my City Life Church Lonehill family are so dear to my heart.



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How did we get here?

Let’s not mention that it’s the 10th & I have just started typing, with no clue where this is going… The past month has seriously challenged me, stretched me, bruised me up physically & emotionally, but hey… here we are! Some people say I share too much, but I like the transparency of my clients walking this journey with me – you can tell me what you think?

In June I had no idea where my business would be moving to, no clue which way to turn, & completely overwhelmed by the amount of dedication & STAMINA it would take to get through building an entire new shop with absolutely no cash flow to fund any movement whatsoever. I sit here with the cool café melody playing from my new mani/pedi lounge & give all thanks to my God!

I had an incredibly small launch with the people who have seen my tears, held me tight when I was falling apart, who have talked my motivation back & told me “You can do it & it will be amazing” on days when I was ready to quit. Here’s what I’ve learned through this time… God moves when He knows you’re ready, not when you feel you are. If I had to dive into how God has made a way for me over & over during this time, I’m never getting to the newsletter 😂 I have been so out of this world, supernaturally, incredibly blessed & my heart is overflowing with gratitude.

Yes, I’m still having a wee bit of a disagreement with a carpenter, some electrical work still needs to be done & the plumber is currently trying to figure out why my washing machine is flooding the kitchen… BUT, we did it. I have congratulations from every client who has walked through the door, I have the most fantastic landlord & I have been blessed with the greatest love & support.

To every person who followed our competition on social media, who tagged, shared etc – I value you! To every client who bought vouchers & gave me & our business mind-blowing financial support, I thank you all so much, none of this would have been possible without you. To my AMAZING client who gave me a discount on all carpentry, lighting etc- thank you is just not enough!

To my circle, my behind the scenes, my champagne sponsor, my “God is going to come through for you” – you know who you are & I wouldn’t trade you for anything! My staff who let me be crazy & lovingly tell me to take a day off. I love you all so much!

To my mom-the real owner of this establishment- who waited to hear how much I would need, was ready to help with just 1 call or text. I did my absolute best to not loan, not go to the bank & I have truly been overwhelmed; but when that promo went out to buy vouchers, she used it as her way of pouring into my business & allowing me to maintain the “I did it on my own” – well, until this morning at least. 🤦🏽‍♀️Thank you for always believing in me, for trusting my business decisions & for standing behind the scenes always ready when I call.

I’m signing off now, not because I don’t have more to say & more of my story to tell but because I need to do the newsletter before Nozi asks why I’m not working 🙄

With all my love & gratitude,


ageing gracefully a gentle reminder Anti-ageing bayhill fourways golf park Beauty Expert believe in you boundaries CLC Collagen competition DensiAge Densite emotional attachments fearless French skincare Fundamental Beautifying Cream Gel manicure Gel polish happy healthy relationships kelly McDaniel Klotho protein love loving me Matis Matis Fourways Matis Paris mental health Mother's Day mother hunger Mozambique Nails oil serum Omega3 Omega6 Omega9 Online Shopping Paris relocation sagging skincare Skincare Brand springtime staying young Waxing

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The Confession

Hi #MatisFourwaysFans,

Let me start by saying, for some reason, no matter what my day looks like, opening this site & clicking “New Post” does something quite strange to me; mmm what is it? Like a really great, long, tight hug after a bad day, or like a sip of tea when it’s cold, or chilled bubbles when it’s hot 🙂 Think I may have found another thing to add to my feel good list without even realising it; winner! Speaking of winners – reminder to enter our competition, check it out here

I’ve been so wrapped up in my never ending to-do lists & trying to juggle so many things recently, getting overly annoyed with myself & the world in general… I came to a profound realisation, what Pastor spoke about in church 2 weeks ago is directly related to people’s sense of urgency. My awesome pastor, Serf, spoke about decision making & how not making a decision is also, in fact, a decision. So since then it’s been playing on my mind & I’ve done some great introspection & all of you are taking part in my “confession” – I’m not catholic but I think that accurately describes the truth I’m about to drop 🤣

Last month I told myself I was only going to do what I can & be kinder to myself & for the most part I have; which is the good news… I also did paint my toe nails red & went back to Pilates! (insert pat on the back here) The bad news is that I’m finding that I may need to work on accepting that other people may be different & that also needs to be ok. I’m a decision maker, at times impulsive, I may sometimes be a tad impatient… ok, maybe more than a tad…

When I was younger, I used to watch my mother trying to do 4 different things at the same time & I remember telling her to slow down & getting annoyed with her “buzzing” around. I am officially my mother & the people around me not buzzing & telling me to slow down is making me equally annoyed- go figure! My aim from here forward is to try imagine that I like rave music & maybe the other people like really sad slow music & we’re all just dancing to a different beat?

There are 2 type of people. The ostrich in the sand / it’ll all work out on it’s own kind of people, & the figure it out or you WILL have sleepless nights people. I’m the latter. I would just like to know from the people who are the former, does it all work out? Does it go better or worse than you thought?

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”

– Henry David Thoreau

My confession in the simplest way I know how is – I’m impatient, I expect more from people than I should in all areas of my life, & I am often very confused by humans. Does anyone else feel like this? Are there others like me walking in Fourways wondering why people aren’t more productive? 🤣🤦‍♀️ It cannot only be me! Can it?!

This month’s spa promos didn’t have as much personal significance as the one I did last month, but because I need to work on accepting all the different people our awesome God created, I’ve decided to do lots of different promos – I’m sure there’s something that YOU will want too 🥰

P.S I may or may not be leaning more towards tightening & firming my own skin so I thought maybe the others like me would be too… Happy October to us all


ageing gracefully a gentle reminder Anti-ageing bayhill fourways golf park Beauty Expert believe in you boundaries CLC Collagen competition DensiAge Densite emotional attachments fearless French skincare Fundamental Beautifying Cream Gel manicure Gel polish happy healthy relationships kelly McDaniel Klotho protein love loving me Matis Matis Fourways Matis Paris mental health Mother's Day mother hunger Mozambique Nails oil serum Omega3 Omega6 Omega9 Online Shopping Paris relocation sagging skincare Skincare Brand springtime staying young Waxing