Does everyone have times in their lives where they feel far away from themselves; where what you believe you know is somehow in a distant place in your mind, locked away. Does everyone consistently walk in an ultimate “knowing” of everything they are? I suppose, this is exactly where mental illness comes into play, when we forget how wildly wonderful we are.
Isn’t the mind a strange & beautiful thing? We are operated by a combination of this work of art that we don’t really fully understand, & a sometimes overwhelming amount of confusing emotions that we have to navigate, monitor, discern & manage. This obvious fact is somehow so suddenly mind-blowing…
We had a visit from the big man last week, the MD of the company that distributes Matis (& about 20 other brands) across SA. During this visit we chatted about the industry & the changes over the years, my history with the brand & my road with Matis over the past 7 years. I didn’t realize at the time, but I needed someone unsuspecting to lead me to that corner of my mind that stored the memories of the choices I made, the chances I took, & the decisions made at just the right time. (Thank God!)
We’re all an insane combination of thoughts & feelings, we all settle into our own ways of navigating relationships & careers & our differences here, despite how infuriating they are to the next person, are what makes us who we are. Sometimes this difficult to understand combination can talk us into forgetting what we’re made of, & one day in the midst of the questions & confusion, when you least expect it- you are right back in your skin with a comforting, “welcome home” whispered to every dark corner & forgotten space in your mind. You can now see more clearly & you’re ready to pick up the messy things, the emotions & the people that have left your mind in disarray. Sweeping the floor of your mind & choosing to let go of what no longer serves you- what a gift to give yourself!

You. Are. Capable. Then, just like that, you’re settling into the things that put a smile on your face again- like a massage 💆♀️ Book yours today https://www.matisfourways.co.za/shop/treatment-menu/#Massage
This past Sunday our fantastic Ps Nic at https://www.citylifechurch.joburg/ spoke about this social media era & how we have been swallowed by dangerous comparison of our lives with those around us, & those we don’t even know. How we compare our reality to the carefully planned & curated content, not forgetting that perfect angle & fantastic lighting, that make it look seemingly effortless. How many times have we looked straight though our blessings in the now because we’re living a life of comparison?
When last have you taken a moment to give thanks for all the blessings in your life? I’ve decided to start today, I pray you’ll join me 🙌❤
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