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The anticipation of this month’s blog laid in the corners of my mind, behind the personal turmoil pulling at me, around the business needs, over the tasks of each day; tugging. Wondering how I’d get the thoughts to behave, how I’d attempt to talk them into making sense, I sat in front of the cursor flashing “Add Title”

And there they went, moving from heart, through mind; the circus that is my thoughts found guidance, & as if I’d given them marching orders, in single file they humbly found their way down my fingers, arranging their as-if coordinated place on this screen…


I’ve always had this close attachment to you, 7. This feeling of comfort, wholeness, completion; will you share this with that which was borne of me? 

On the 1st of April 7 years ago I walked into the familiar little shop I’d spent many days in before, but this time was different, it would be the start of a journey no story book or telenovela could’ve created. It was mine, my responsibility, my baby- I would have to take care of this. I often think back on times of trial, how many times I wished I’d never done such a crazy thing, how much stress & tears it’s caused, but like anything worth having; you have to be willing to fight HARD!

I always used to look at my employers & wonder if they knew that I was meant to be the boss🤣 Isn’t it strange how an entrepreneurial spirit can refuse for you to settle? Thank God for His covering & guidance, even in the times I was ready to quit, He kept me. Now… what’s next?

“The 7 year itch” has been a term used in marriage & in business – something about this milestone has the tendency of making people want to call it quits. I’ve however decided to look at it as a milestone signifying the end of the trial years & the beginning of abundance in all shapes & forms. Comfort, Wholeness, Completion (From my mouth to God’s ears)

“The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. And when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future.”

― Jeffrey R. Holland

So as though metaphorically submerging into a bed of water to emerge new at the doorway of this new season- what do I leave behind & what do I cling onto? Here’s what I’ve learned:


People will take what they can from you; this has been & continues to be a difficult lesson to learn (especially for someone who loves giving). Some friends will be more supportive of Rihanna’s annoying belly parading all over Instagram than they will your small business, & that’s quite alright. There will be the friends you meet by chance who will give you more support than others ever did. Set boundaries with the “family discount” friends & continuously show your cheerleaders how much you value them ♥


Goals give you something to aim for but can just as easily give you anxiety & feelings of mediocrity when trying to be great. I’ve learned to make my goals & timelines achievable & to do my best to give myself a pat on the back when I see the visions I had become reality. My goals aren’t dependant on who’s running next to me, they’re dependant on what my spirit man tells me my capacity is.

My Team

I have been greatly blessed with the people in my life who pick me up when I’m ready to stay defeated. My therapists who run the show, deal with my sometimes completely crazy moods, & tell me it’s totally ok to go home @3 & pour a glass of wine when I’ve had just about enough. I’m grateful for the irreplaceable pillar that is my mom, who’s reminded me many times that I’m “not an island” & it’s ok to reach out for help- I love you so much 💖 I’m grateful for the friends who became family, who promote my business & cheer me on, my life is better with you all in it.

The woman I was walking into that shop 7 years ago is most certainly not the woman I see in the mirror today. Will you be with me for the next 7 years of this incredible, insane, life threating & rather gratifying journey? I hope so.

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The anticipation of this month’s blog laid in the corners of my mind, behind the personal turmoil pulling at me, around the business needs, over the tasks of each day; tugging. Wondering how I’d get the thoughts to behave, how I’d attempt to talk them into making sense, I sat in front of the cursor […]