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New Year or New Mindset?

So, let me just jump right in & say, I am not sold on the New Year, New anything! Does that make me a pessimist or a realist? What is is really about “crossing over” from one year to the next that makes people want to create resolutions they won’t stick to, or put pressure on themselves for things that don’t really even matter?

I google EVERYTHING!, & found it interesting that people feel the 1st of January gives them a new opportunity to start again, realistically, don’t we get that everyday? For once I made some resolutions of my own this year, not big, not over the top, nothing that would cause me any additional stress or take anything from me; resolutions to be kinder to me, to be honest, even when it’s hard, (which is generally not that hard for me🤣) & to really, like I mean REALLY question the people in my life.

This year at midnight I was with a bunch of women who I absolutely ADORE! We put on a favorite worship song & prayed for each other. I don’t believe I could have had a better New Year… The typical NYE celebration went from being a party that was great if you had parts of your memory come back at lunch the next day in 2010, to holding onto like-minded women & asking God to carry them through, to meet them at their point of need, to open up the floodgates of heaven in 2022- it was beautiful!

The December period took me through a rollercoaster of emotions, some things that woke up old feelings; some really bad, some great. Meeting people that you feel you’ve known all your life that pick up on when you’re quiet or not quite yourself, & somethings that took the blinkers off; all in all I feel like my New Year has brought me a new mindset. The realisation (yep, yet again!) that we are all different, how we manage emotions, deal with pain, celebrate, love & feel loved- we’re all different & that’s what makes us beautiful, unique, interesting & US! I’ll be the first to admit that I harshly question people’s actions & motives & I have had to get myself in check & realise that I’m judging from my perception.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

Carl Jung.

It made me think of a comedian friend who once did a set on “point of reference” he did speak about some things I probably shouldn’t talk about on this platform, but the crux remains the same- we all react & view from our point of reference; how are you choosing to view things this year?

Here’s something to chew on:

  • Who are you allowing to be the loudest voice in your mind?
  • Are your choices from today bringing you peace or anxiety?
  • Who are the people you feel you need to hold on to & do you know why?
  • What do you need to take responsibility for to be better this year?

With love,


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