It’s no secret that I don’t look my age, it’s something I’m rather proud of but can’t take all the credit for. My mother blessed me with some great genes- thanks mom!
Up until last year I had no signs of ageing, no crow’s feet when I smiled- nada. Then, one day I woke up & it was there… sadness & sagging 🥴 Being in the skincare industry has taught me that the way we see our own skin is often very different to what others see. Voicing my concern to my therapists only got me a neverminded “you seeing things” reply. These people are not taking my trauma seriously!
This is just a reminder that you never need someone to agree with you before doing something for yourself, something that will help to fix a concern you have. So here’s the plan; I have decided to do a course of needling & anti-age treatments over the next 2 months so if any of you walk into the shop & it looks like I was walking on the road on my face, just smile & say “you’re really committed to this journey aren’t you” I thank you in advance.🙏
I’ve always had the greatest passion for skincare, only difference is, in the past I was into all things acne because of my personal struggle with the villain, now I’m heavy on all things anti-ageing. A few years ago I had the privilege of going to visit the Matis Paris head office, (& also an international Ballroom competition at Disneyland Paris 💃) I was around 34 at the time.

I was given the newly launched OleaScience serum as a gift but I was too young to use it at the time so my gorgeous mom used it before it was launched in SA. I was reminded of the benefits of this serum when I realized it’s just what my skin needs. This serum increases the synthesis of Klotho proteins in fibroblasts, therefore promoting the production of collagen. Yep, that stuff that is like the cement holding all the skin cells together. This luxury (& slightly addictive I’m told) serum has precious oils that protect & regenerate the skin, it’s rich in antioxidants & Omegas 3.6 & 9! It’s a firm, resounding “YES” from me. I cannot wait to start it! For best results you would use 2-4 drops morning & evening for 21-28 days.
👈Click on the image to view info on OleaScience on our online store 👈
In the hopes that you’ll join me if you find yourself in the same situation, I’ve decided to do a special offer when you purchase any 2 Densite products, we’ll treat you to the luxury DensiAge facial absolutely FREE! – let’s do it together – check out the newsletter or contact us for more info 074 064 2072 /
Let’s walk confidently into this new season upon us & tackle the things we want to change, for me that includes my new & improved anti-ageing routine – who’s with me?
ageing gracefully a gentle reminder Anti-ageing bayhill fourways golf park Beauty Expert believe in you boundaries CLC Collagen competition DensiAge Densite emotional attachments fearless French skincare Fundamental Beautifying Cream Gel manicure Gel polish happy healthy relationships kelly McDaniel Klotho protein love loving me Matis Matis Fourways Matis Paris mental health Mother's Day mother hunger Mozambique Nails oil serum Omega3 Omega6 Omega9 Online Shopping Paris relocation sagging skincare Skincare Brand springtime staying young Waxing